Thursday, June 7, 2018

New Wheels

I bought a new rig - wasn't an XKE - but rather a Ford pickup. My old Dodge pickup is in need of some serious work or a new home. I chose the latter. I traded in the Veloster on the truck. Had mixed feelings about that. I really liked that little car and they're coming out with an even sportier version but getting a newer truck and getting rid of the car and the old pickup is really the best plan. License plates, taxes and insurance costs add up pretty quick, plus I buy plates for a couple of trailers and a motorcycle. And in Indiana, you never stop paying excise taxes on your vehicles. It goes down every year until you hit the minimum but it never goes away. And you have to pay the sales tax on your original purchase. Taxes - curse of the working man.

I'll post a couple of photos of the new rig after I pick it up tomorrow.

I checked with the bike shop about the sidecar tire. Seems that size is a little hard to come by. He's going to cancel the order and get me a similar size that's more common. Other than cutting the windscreen for the strut clearance, I've got everything else done on it. I'll be starting on the bike itself now. There's not a whole lot to finish up but I'm sure it'll take me twice as long as it should. I've been spending quite a bit of time on the bicycle training for the Nebraska trip, which doesn't help getting the projects completed, but I'm looking forward to the bike trip.

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