Sunday, October 13, 2024

More Brackets & After Action Report


I got up off mine yesterday and made a couple of more brackets for the clean-up/organizational marathon. I got them painted after they cooled down a bit and they'll get installed today.

While I was waiting for the brackets to cool down so I could paint them, I decided to see if the point adjustment on the welder did anything, and boy did it! I brought the torch down towards the scrap piece and when it got to within about an 1-1/2" it jumped right across. Startled me in fact. The three short beads were mine. Not my finest work but I was fiddling with the controls a bit and the piece moved for the one on the left. More practice will be required, but it now works as advertised.

I've been reading some more things about the hurricane preparations - what worked, what didn't. One common theme is cash is king. With no electricity or internet, without cash you're not going to able to buy anything. And the time to get your cash is long before the storm's on the horizon. ATMs ran out of cash and banks were closed. Get a stash of cash and keep it in a safe place. 

Food, water and security are always mentioned, as are first aid kits, medicine, batteries, and physical conditioning. Radios were mentioned, regular battery-operated ones, as well as ones with weather alerts and shortwave bands. Also, ham radios were mentioned. Ham radios seem to always come into play whenever there's a big weather emergency. That's one of the reasons I got my ham license.

I'm going to be taking stock of my preps in the next few days and put together a kit I'll keep at a separate location. A few days food for the Missus and I, as well as some pet food. A stove, cooking utensils, flashlight, lighter, etc. Basically, everything we would need for a 72-hour outage except water - my secondary location is not heated. With my experience taking bicycle camping trips, I've got a pretty good idea what it takes for minimalist gear. The Missus won't be comfortable, but if the tornado blows the house down, at least we'll have something.   



I like plans and supplies. I get nervous if I don't have 6 each 3 lbs cans of Kirkland dark roast and a million coffee filters AND I be gotten an extra identical coffee maker new in the box. I have 3 bags each of 3 pounds per bag rolling cigarette, and the what have you. I like having a lot of ground beef in the freezer ranch raised in Montana from local meat store, way better quality than you can possibly imagine so extra very good and blessed perfect by God mmmkay.
I have lots of ammunition for lots of calibers and plenty of firearms to hand out or use for trade during the time the Lord punishes the wicked, like they deserve. because they brought it all on themselves and it's the Lord's will so it's alright to make fun and laugh as they run around screaming and begging with fire and smoke and explosions....

Surly said...

You can now claim your YouTube Welder Repairman certificate.