Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Obligatory Post

 I've been writing this blog since 2008, and when I started I decided if I was going to write, I would post at least twice per week, which I've done. I usually don't have any trouble coming up with subject matter since I'm always tinkering with something. However, the tinkering has slowed way down as of late, mostly due to the chest issue but slowing down there has led to slowing down everywhere.

I've been taking it real easy for several months now, being careful not to aggravate my chest injury. During that time I've been under a doctor's care but getting nowhere. When the muscles tore, I figured it would go one of two ways - the doctor would tell me they would heal up slowly on their own, or surgery would be required. Instead, I've been bouncing around getting tested pretty much top to bottom with no results, or even a diagnosis. However, since I've been doing nothing, I do seem to be healing up on my own. I cut half the grass on Saturday, half on Sunday and the dog's "poop park" yesterday. I wore my "girdle" and didn't experience any discomfort. I can tell I'm still not 100%, but it feels good to be able to do things again. The problem now is I'm tired. I don't do much but I'm tired just the same.

The whole thing boils down to this: If you want to be active, you have to stay active. I lost quite a bit of muscle during the covid fiasco due to the gym closing as well as a lot of the events I normally would have been participating in being cancelled. I have to take some of the blame, though. I could have done more on my own but my mental game got weak at the same time. It's really hard for me to stay motivated when I don't have anything to train for. You would think staying healthy would be incentive enough, but all you have to do is go out in public and see that's not the case.

So now that I can do a little more, I need to lose a few pounds, add some muscle, get out in the sunshine, and regain some of my stamina. It's become very obvious what they say is true. If you don't use it, you lose it. As an old guy, it seems once you lose it, it's harder to get it back as well. 

Hard times are coming, I need to be ready.  

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