Friday, September 6, 2024

Truck Driving Song

Now that I've got a new radio, I was twisting the dial to see what I could come up with. There's a local country station that does Throwback Thursdays, apparently. This one was one of the tunes I heard - hadn't heard it in a long time. I'll leave it on that station for a while and see what the playlist is for the other days of the week. It's nice to have a choice again.

I got some brackets made for steel storage in the big barn. I countersunk the holes for deck screws I could install with the cordless drill - which in my opinion is the third greatest invention of all time, right behind moveable type and indoor plumbing.

I got some additional cleaning done. There now is at least one corner of the shop that doesn't have stock piled up there. 

Surly came down last night with a print for a job he wants made. It's not a big job but he and I, and the grandson will all be involved. I'm going to get all the materials rounded up and then get the grandson down here to help with some of the fab work and the welding.

I'm waiting on one more item to finish the brake pedal on the vintage trials bike - should be here soon. In the meantime, cleaning and organizing will continue and I want to get back on the jitney. Progress is slow but steady.

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