Flattracking - You just gotta love it! I've been looking at putting together my summer travel schedule. Nothing big this year, just some short hops. I would like to hit a couple of motorcycle races. I've yet to make it to the Peoria TT even though its relatively close by. It's the only type of motorcycle racing I've never seen. I've been to numerous road races and flat tracks, motocross and trials, Surly and I even caught a speedway race in Daytona that included a unicycle race and a guy blowing himself up in the air with dynamite. So yeah, other than the TT and Bonneville, I've pretty well seen it all. As it happens, Bonneville and Peoria are scheduled about the same time. They have a couple of different meets at Bonneville but I'm thinking Peoria this year. Bonneville will have to wait.
The steam train is back in North Judson next weekend. Need to get over there and do the "Cemetery Tour" both. That'll make for a busy weekend but since school's about out, I'll have plenty of time for things in just a few days. I've already made a list of some of the little items that need to be finished around the shack. I'm going to hit the list hard and get some of those knocked out right away.
I bought a fishing license Saturday morning after hitting the scrap yard and I plan on using it this year. Night crawlers were about three bucks for 20 at Wal-Mart - it's 'bout time I get the worm farm started. I bought a couple of books on vermiculture a couple of years ago. Fish bait and compost for only a small start-up cost and very little maintenance. The place where I bought my chicks can get Worm Chow for me. Not sure that would be necessary but always good to have a ready source of worm food in the pipeline.
I saw this quote Saturday at the Wisdom of the Hands:
"People who make things do not just have superior mechanical skills to lard-arsed incurious tourists flying towards a temporary nirvana bought on credit, they have superior cognitive skills, as well."
That might explain the motorcycle racing and worm farming in the same post. And then again - maybe not.
Since the world didn't come to an end over the weekend, might as well make the most of your second chance. Take my old pal Dobak's advice and save your money. You'll thank me later.
Damn, what a great picture! He couldn't get that hung out anymore than that and still keep it upright. Wow!
Why am I not surprised that they make, Wormchow? Doubt that you really need it. Horse stall cleanouts will bring the red wigglers and a pile of leaves or straw will have crawlers under it in no time. I wonder if some chicken feed with a pile of leaves over it would do the trick for enough worms for fishing? I'm thinking it would.
Let me know when you're fixing to be down this way and I'll try to make sure I'm not working.
The website you got that picture from is one big blackhole for your freetime. I can see me getting lost there. Thanks.
Unk: I'm thinking just a plastic tub in the basement - some kitchen scraps and some cornmeal should probably do it for starters. If I go with the horse stall cleanouts, might as well grow some mushrooms as well.
I'll give you a call about the travel plans.
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