A Rose is a Rose

Spreader Bar
Things are starting to come along in the Woodshop. I got the fence on the jointer set to 90 degrees. It was set on about 80 and the adjusting mechanism wasn't allowing it to move. I took it all apart and got things unstuck but it still needs a little TLC. At least we can use it and the edges of the board are square to the face. The router is now functional but it too needs a little more work. One of the previous teachers made a really nice cabinet/table for it but after he left it got knocked around a bit. I need to order a replacement knob and screw for the router to be able to adjust the depth of cut like you're supposed to be able to. We got one of the sleds for the table saw finished up as well.
We're starting on making a few things but I can see that anything requiring math is going to be a struggle. I'm not sure what happened with how they teach mathematics but a lot of these guys can't do simple arithmetic. Most shop math is pretty simple arithmetic with a little geometry thrown in once in a while, at least on our level. I did a little exercise to have them compute the length of material required to make a picture frame and some of them really had a hard time. Makes you wonder what they've been doing for the last ten years. But if 13 year olds can't tie their own shoes or button their shirts, why expect 15 year olds to do 4th grade arithmetic? Regardless, I see a wooden boat project in our future.
We're working on the spreader bar for the barn project in the Weldshop. I need to get back on that project post haste. The Building Trades instructor will pour the concrete for the ramps this fall for me, so I need to get the top put back on the bottom. Money wise, I'll need to pay the tab on the big wrecker, buy a new man door and a few replacement sheets of siding and the concrete but the insurance settlement was pretty generous, so I'm good there.
I'm working on some designs for a router and miter saw table for in there after I get the siding on. The boys in the Woodshop should be able to build those. I can then get my table saw and bandsaw out of the basement along with the jointer I bought from my sister-in-law up on top and I'll have my very own wood butcherie. I might buy myself a planer sometime down the road. I'd like to have a wood lathe as well. I'll have to see where my interests and finances take me.
I got an e-mail from my buddy Kevin yesterday - Kevin is the one who had the good sense to get out of the classroom last spring and start on his PhD. The e-mail contained an link to Children's Technology and Engineering journal for those teaching at the elementary level. I'll admit I didn't even know such a journal existed until he sent this along. This issue of the journal deals mainly with integrating art with engineering and technology careers and the importance of this, especially at the elementary level. It's a very interesting concept and one that has been over looked for way too long. That's why I threw the picture of the rose in there. Man does not live by fabrications alone. Kevin co-wrote the article on page four, by the way. I'll be glad when he gets to be king.
An all education post and nothing too negative. Sometimes things actually work like they're supposed to.
Thanks! "Co-Writing" it is a stretch - I think the most help in writing it came from Traveling Pirate in her editing. You know those college professors - sticking their names on things to "get published"! Nice pic of the Vatican too, huh? I should have gotten photo credit for that too.....
I assumed that to be the case on the writing - I recognized your work. Looks like the Italy trip gave you some inspiration even if you didn't get a photo credit.
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