New Hitch

New Siding
The long weekend about did me in - have to go back to work to rest up!
I got the spring for the overhead door put back together. It looks like it will work OK. If not, Menard's has them in stock for $43.00. They also had the track bolts I was short and I also bought a lock. In fact they had just about everything for those doors except the bracket I'm missing. I'll see if the Building Trades guy knows anything about it. If not, Menard's can order one, I would assume.
I started hanging the siding on the back wall yesterday. I had to take about a 1/4" off the bottom chord of the trusses in order for things to line up but the old Sawz-All made short work of that. While I had it out I also cut off the anchor bolts from the old barn foundation. If I'm going to fall off the roof, I'd rather not impale myself. Some of the anchors were railroad spikes set in the concrete with about 4" of pointed steel showing. I've been meaning to get around to that anyway. Plus I cleaned some of the crap up out there. Been meaning to get around to that as well.
Picked up my welding machine on Monday while I was out and about. Haven't had a chance to see if it works, but I'm assuming it does or they wouldn't have called me. I was going to check it out at Open Shop last night but I wanted to finish my aunt's car and then some former students showed up, so I just shot the breeze for an hour instead. They're all doing well, so there must be something to that vocational education stuff.
Put the hitch on my new mower the other day that one of the "little darlins" made for me. I've got a small trailer I made from the last junk lawnmower I had that I need to measure up. If it looks like it will fit, I'll put the welder on the trailer and I can tow it around the place or pull it up close to the house when the power goes out to keep the pump and the heater running. It's got a 4500 watt generator besides the 150 amp welder. It'll live in the new barn once that's completely under roof and secure.
Surly dropped off a little job the other night so we'll tackle that today. I've got to finish my grades for the nine weeks but that won't take long. Other than that, not much happening in the Ye Olde Weld Shoppe right now. Looks like it's time to finish a couple of things or pull the spiral staircase in and finish that up.
Only three days and another weekend. I don't know how people with real jobs get anything done.
Did I see you doing the Crane Cruise this morning?
Not me - I took a couple of guys to a welding contest. It's been so long that I've really ridden, I couldn't have made it that far anyway.
The nephews & I did 15 miles of the ride this morning. Great time!
Good day for it. I really need to heal up so I can get back on the bike.
That's a pretty cool choice of siding. Red is a great choice. It's amazing that you can this stuff by yourself. My hubby can't even fix a clogged sink. Hehehe.
-Sandra Ludwig
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