I really need to work on that, myself.
A couple of interesting things to pass along:
Mike Rowe on You Tube This guy is fast becoming my number one hero. The video is about eight minutes long as he makes a presentation to the Commerce, Science and Transportation committee about six weeks ago. Get yourself a cold drink, sit down and watch it. If you follow this blog, it's something you should see.
The State of Indiana has announced that it's no longer necessary to teach writing, as in cursive, to elementary school students. Apparently there just isn't enough time what with all the testing and computing to be farting around with Spencerian Script or the Palmer Method or American Cursive writing. So now the little darlings will be able to text message and slaughter the English language with all the abbreviations, acronyms and symbols but won't be able to read John Hancock's John Hancock on the Declaration of Independence or any number of hand written documents without a translator. It makes me just want to lol. :)
The Month at the Museum is back. The Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago is once again looking for someone to do a thirty day sleepover. I applied last year but I'm taking a pass this time. The application is due July 22 and I've got my hands full trying to get somewhat caught up here. I did have a lot of fun working on the video and writing the essay last year. And I really wanted to spend the night in the submarine. But not this time. However, that doesn't mean you can't apply. You can get more info here.
Happy Independence Day!
hey what the heck go for the museum deal maybe they would let you have a sleepover in the sub with your friends and relatives or we could play war like when we were kids just a thought vegas was not much fun hot hot hot like dorthy said there's no place like home after flying out and back my new motto is if amtrack don't go there i don't need to go cuzzin ricky
Most all my time right now is devoted to the barn or sitting in the big chair with the ice bag on my chest and Bio-Freeze on my back. It would be pretty cool to spend a month in the museum, though.
Amtrak needs to take advantage of the fact that flying ain't what it used to be and tighten up their act a little. Keep the trains a little cleaner and not run out of things on the menu. In spite of that, we need to do another trip this winter.
Damn, Bro. Mike Rowe could be your alter ego. He really is a great spokesman for tradesman work.
Good to see you're getting the barn job back on track. Surly tells me you are kicking ass and taking names on that project.
Looking at the comments, I'd love to take a train trip with you and cuzzin Ricky. Nudge, nudge. Wink Wink.
Unk: Mike Rowe's the man, no doubt about it.
It'll be a barn someday. I'm working on rolling it ahead about 15 feet. Should have it done in the next couple of days if all goes as planned.
We'll keep you in the loop on the train ride.
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