Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Soul Christmas


A couple of Soul Christmas diddies - Christmas is only a week away now. The weather was a little more Christmas like yesterday morning with a bit of snow on the ground and temps in the twenties. It's supposed to be back up to the fifties Christmas Day - no snow but chance of rain.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, funeral last Thursday. We left the house at 10:00 and got home about 5:00. Long day but things went pretty smooth for a funeral. Health club on Friday and the boxing gym on Saturday. I worked 3 rounds each on the double end, heavy and speed bags. The muscles are starting to firm up - not as squishy as they were and the speed bag work is helping to keep the shoulder loosened up long way to go to get back to where I was prior to Covid. Doctor appointment today, Missus has a procedure on Thursday. 

It's about time to for me to look back over the year and plan for 2024 - not like I ever follow through on too many of my plans, but with what's on the horizon, plans are probably going to have to be pretty flexible.

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