Looking back over 2023 with some relief from the previous couple of years.
The big Covid pandemic scare is mostly over. People are still suffering from the after-effects of the shots, and it has come to light that much of what we were told was pure bull shit, but the concern with masks and vaccine passports is mostly a thing of the past.
On the home front, I dealt with some health issues. These were mostly the result of my lifestyle. I screwed up my shoulder at the boxing club while holding punch mitts. This resulted in a frozen shoulder. The doctor sent me to therapy for six weeks, three times per week. No help there and the limited movement slowed me down on a lot of things. A visit to a surgeon and a cortisone shot set me on the path to redemption, though.
I developed an infection in my big toe - back to the doctor. Antibiotics for two weeks, no help. Antifungal for two weeks, no help. Antibacterial for two weeks, no help. Abandoned the local doctor, went to a foot specialist and problem solved in about ten minutes. She figured I dropped something heavy on my toe by the way the toenail came off when she grabbed it with the pliers. Other than a little pain for a couple days, no biggie. 6 to 8 months I should have a perfectly fine toenail once again.

The only major project of the year was the Sportster. What looked to be an easy fix to get myself a "runner", turned into a fairly major project. I way underestimated both the time and money for this one. The shoulder and toe both contributed to the time element, but it's just about there finally. I've got it covered up for the winter but only a couple of little things to do in the spring - assuming the engine is in fairly decent shape since I've never had it running. I'm planning on keeping it, so whatever it takes in the future, I'll deal with.
Only one little travel trip on the year. Cuzzin Ricky and I went to Ohio to see my brother, his wife and another cousin. Saw the AMA museum while we were there. Nice weekend.
Rick and I only went to two races on the season and one of those got rained out. We'll be planning on getting out more in '24 as soon as the schedules come out. Rick says we should see more midget events. No argument here.
I did several 5k events and put quite a few miles in on the bicycle. Joined a health club to try and get some muscle built back up and read 30 books on the year.
As for plans for the coming year, not much on the agenda at the present time. Need to finish the vintage trials bike and get the jitney closer to being done. I moved some things around in the shop on Christmas Eve so I could get the trials bike up front and have room to work on it. I need to put in a couple more hours out there making it a bit more user friendly, but I made a move in the right direction.
I'm going back to work at the college. A couple of the instructors are leaving, so I may be doing a bit more than I originally planned. It pays well for a part time job, and I can spend that money guilt free. Maybe use it to trade up for the new Himalayan.
I'm thinking that things nationally and internationally are going to be chaotic, so I'm not going to make too many travel plans. Stick close to home and pick shit with the chickens. And, of course, count my many blessings.
My best to all of you on the upcoming year.
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