Sunday, June 9, 2024

Day at The Gym

 Coach Jen and I went to Indy yesterday for the 14th anniversary of American Top Team, a boxing and martial arts gym. 

While there we saw two of the biggest damn dogs I'd ever seen. The bigger of the two weighs 185 pounds, the other only 165. My little dog weighs a touch under 30 - big difference.

In addition to celebrating the anniversary of the gym, they had a "belt ceremony" for those who were receiving their new belts for advancing up the ladder in Jiu-Jitsu. There were three black belts giving out the belts and each one of them gave the students a hug and then threw them to the mat. 

Nice party, good food and fellowship. Coach Jen and I had a nice conversation on the drive down and back. She helped out serving the food and I had a couple of good conversations on their gym's training techniques. All in all, a good day.  

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