Thursday, June 27, 2024


 Info meeting this morning with the financial guy. He hosts coffee and donut meetings once a month during the summer to keep clients informed about what's going on in the financial world. It'll be interesting to hear his take on the present situation.

The scan on my eye indicated it has gotten a little worse. He gave me the option of deciding if we should schedule the surgery or put it off for a while. Since I've been on light duty for several months, I really would like to get some more done around the shack before I have to go back on the injured reserve list. Next appointment is in December, so I'll get it scheduled after that.

I started installing the new radio in the truck. I need some wire and fuse holders for the power cord to complete the installation, but otherwise, it's pretty much there. I need to see if I can get an extension for the microphone cord. I'll look on Amazon and see if I can find something. If not, I'll call the club president and see what he recommends.

Presidential debate this evening. I plan on watching a bit of it just to see how the two interact, but I'm not too interested in their position on things. That's already been determined by their time in office. 

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