Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Rectus Hell, It Damn Near Killed Him

 Music to drive to the doctor by. I wasn't holding out much hope going to see another in a long line of doctors and tests. But lo and behold, I hit the jackpot yesterday.

The doctor entered the room carrying a book he held open to a page. A rather slight man of Indian heritage, gray hair, well dressed and professional in every way. We talked, and he poked my chest and stomach while I was lifting my legs. He said I'll be right back, left the room, and the nurse said he's getting another book. Sure enough, he comes back with another book opened to the photo above. He explained what happened and what I can expect for healing, and he had the nurse make me a copy to take to the family doctor. Nothing to it at all. I probably should have been angry that it took so long to get a diagnosis, but while I was fooling around getting all the tests done, I was actually healing up. He said it'll probably take another month or so of taking it easy but if things don't progress, come back and he said there's an injection he can give me. 

So Rectus Abdominus it is. You would have thought if I told the doctor I felt the muscle tear and pointed to the spot, a diagnosis would have been rather simple. The good thing about all of this is nothing was found on any of the tests I had done and Medicare picked up the tab for most everything. Light duty for another month and then ease back into it. 

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