Monday, August 24, 2020

Joe Izuzu


When I saw this it had the title: He's Channeling His Inner Joe Izuzu. You need to be a certain age to get the reference, but if so, it's pretty funny.

I dropped off the oil tank yesterday and picked up a windmill on the way home. My sister-in-law had a tree come down during a storm recently. It tore the weather head off the house as well as damaging her ornamental windmill. I'll get that fixed this week and deliver it back to her. I'm going to go to my previous side gig and clean out my locker this week. I was planning on quitting Labor Day weekend before the cooties hit anyway. I'll bring my tools home but I might still work on things from here at home, depending. 

I'm going to take a trip north this week and hit the cemeteries. Since I didn't make it on Memorial Day, I need to clean up a few of the graves and pay my respects. I also need to run a few errands and pick up some things I can't get out here in the country. Other than putting in some miles on the bicycle, I'm not planning on working too hard this week - temps are supposed to get back into the 90s again. Stay busy but not too. Like a retired guy

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