Saturday, July 18, 2020

Welding Symbols

I saw these a while back and got a kick out them. I used to teach welding symbols and they are a little more complicated than these but once you learn how the symbols are constructed, they're actually pretty simple to interpret. This, of course, is a good thing since the whole idea behind them is to insure that the welds comply with the welding code or the engineers design .One needs to be able to read blueprints in addition to the welding symbols to be a layout man or a fitter so that needs to come first. The AWS and Hobart Welding School have online courses in welding symbols if you're looking to upgrade your skills. 

I got rained out last year for my late model stock car drive but I'm rescheduled for about a month from now. I wasn't sure if they were even going to run due to the cooties but it looks like it's a go. That'll be fun. Might be the only race car I see this year.

Looks like today's going to be a hot one. I've got a bunch of branches I trimmed off the trees last night I need to gather up this morning. Not sure what I'll get done after that. Maybe take a vacation day.

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