Sunday, June 6, 2021

Bring it on Home to Me


Nothing much to report on the project front, so here's a bit of music from some of my favorite artists. As I've mentioned here before, my taste is varied and when I start my own radio station, this is some of what you might hear depending on the weather, what I'm working on and my mood. 

I caught about the last 45 minutes of Rock and Roll High School the other night on the television so the Ramones are fresh on my mind. And Compared to What? One of my all time favorite jazz cuts. I never get tired of this one.

Surly and I were fortunate enough to catch Mose at a club in Chicago some years back. 

And in light of what's currently going on, I'll close with Gil Scot-Heron. And remember, the revolution will not be televised. He might have been wrong about that, though.

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