Monday, August 29, 2022

New Things


I saw one of these Rivians on a car hauler on the way to Tulsa. 0-60 in three seconds, $80K +. Cool truck but you couldn't drive straight thru to Tulsa with one.

Hyundai Santa Cruz. I saw one of these in Tulsa in the parking lot next to the hotel where we were staying. Top of the three possible builds half the price of the Rivian and you could drive it straight thru to Tulsa from the mid-west. Probably get 27-28 mpg on the highway. Couldn't carry much in the back, however. Four adults and boxing gear would be a load. Looks like it would be a fun rig around town, however.

Royal Enfield Scram. Based on the Himalayan, like mine. I don't know how much difference there is between the two models but probably not enough for me to want to trade. I'm not in the market for anything with wheels under it and probably won't be for any time in the foreseeable future. At my age and as little as I've traveled the last few years, all my wheeled conveyances will probably last my lifetime. I'd still like to have an old farm truck, and the XKE I've wanted since the late sixties, though. 


I did a little more on the header for the jitney but not enough to brag about. I'll get the rest of the tubing ordered in and tinker around with something else on the car while I'm waiting for the parts to show up. Since the grandson asked about the trials bike, I've been thinking about trying to finish it up. 

Did walkies with the group yesterday. Need to decide what I want to do about a couple of 5K events coming up. One really should train for these things. I am planning on getting back to the boxing gym starting this week. I got some work done around the shack last week but I've got plenty more to do. Need to prioritize things and start picking away at them in earnest. Something I say about every six months but rarely do. 



what paint color XKE would you want? and interior color?

ShopTeacherBob said...

Metallic blue convertible with a tan interior and top, Abarth exhaust, tonneau cover for the passenger side, open weave gloves and a white scarf. I was coming home from work in '68 on my little Harley Sprint and I got passed by a rig just like that when coming around a corner and heading downhill. Obviously left a lasting impression fifty-some years later.


it would also look nice in a dark maroon with red interior and beautiful wide white wall tires. red metal flake shift knob. typical period red leather steering wheel cover. a full carton of Camel Menthol Wides on the dash that says "I'm gonna be driving around smoking". lots of cleaners and waxes and polishes in the bonnet. I pay Full Service and tip good at the Sinclair Service Station. I let the attendant check the oil. he swipes my charge card with that machine and gives my the middle section.