Monday, January 17, 2022

Sunday Hike

 I got a call from my running buddy on Saturday about going for a hike on Sunday - sounded good to me, so four of us went to one of the State Parks and did just that. We hiked nine miles on a nice winter afternoon. The temperature was just a little below freezing but the sun was out with little to no breeze. Running buddy is talking about doing some sort of hike at the Grand Canyon this fall. I might be talked into that after I hear a few details. If I commit to that I might train by doing the 50 Mile Challenge. 

Didn't get out to the shop yesterday due to the hike, but I did get a little done on Saturday. I worked on filing and planishing the dash hood. You would think by now I could knock down a weld seam on a relatively flat service lickety-split but getting the sheet flat next to the weld after it puckers a bit from the weld shrinking still takes me a while. I'll probably never live long enough to master the metal shaping trade but I'm going to keep after it.

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