Monday, August 12, 2024

Ham Fest


There's a reason they called him the King.

I got up at 4:30 yesterday morning to go to the Ham Fest. There was a time years ago when I got up at that time every morning while working a construction job during the summer - totally uncivilized in my estimation, and dark. 

Since this was my first Ham Fest, I didn't know what to expect but I think the crowd was much smaller than the same event in past years. I worked the "overflow" parking area along with a former student of mine. We had a swell time chewing the fat and he worked his portable radio set-up, but we didn't have to do much as far as parking cars. We were under a canopy, so it was a nice day to be outside even though it was a little chilly early in the morning. I did learn a little more about ham radio while there, so that's a plus.

Since I got home a little earlier than expected, I did a little organizational work in the shop and cut some grass. Going to finish up the work on the shop today, do a little work in the shop, get some exercise and go to the monthly meeting at the ham club. I imagine there will be an after-action report on the Ham Fest. Should be interesting.

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