Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Tee Shirt Tuesday With A Side of Black & Tan


A little fighting song to start the day. It's going to be real interesting to see what will happen if the bottom drops out in this country. Gun sales have been booming again this year. I've seen several different figures as to the number that are in the hands of the population but on the low end that number is 400 million. I would guess the number is much higher than that. I don't know how far back there are records of gun purchases but given anything like decent care, it's not unusual for a shotgun or rifle to be handed down through several generations. Suffice it to say, there are a lot of guns out there.

I admire the Irish for their fighting nature - even more so after touring there a couple of years ago and learning more of their history. Also, I'm part Irish as verified by my DNA results. I could say my ability to get into the boxing ring comes from my Irish roots but the reality is that it probably came from my dad, who fought as an amateur and had a couple of pro fights. 

Souvenir from taking Bazooka Joe
 to the Golden Gloves Nationals 

Boxing was much more popular with his generation than it is now. Most of the big fights when I was young were on the radio and the Gillette Cavalcade of Sports was presenting boxing matches on television every Friday night - and as a side note, this is the same Gillette that had the commercial on television not too long ago about "toxic masculinity" that went over like a lead balloon. ABC sports used to cover a lot of the big fights before they all went Pay-For-View, so I had the opportunity in the late sixties and into the seventies to see some of the great fights on television. Some of the increased interest came about from the controversy that swirled around Ali, of course, but also Big George waving the American flag after his Olympic win.

Circling back to the opening paragraphs, when things come to a boil, it'll be interesting to see who comes out of the house to defend their freedom and rights. Surly sent me a link to a speech by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. the other day. It's a little tough to listen to due to RFK's voice but it's well worth investing 45 minutes of your time, especially when he closes by saying he's willing to die with his boots on.

Time to toughen up and be ready to put up your dukes, both literally and figuratively because the troubles are now upon us.

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