Saturday, November 20, 2021

Tintype Kit



The tintype kit showed up but I haven't opened it up yet. I'll check it out in the next couple of days and see what I've got or need to do to get the plates to fit in one of my film holders for the field camera or the old box camera. 

Took the Missus to the dentist yesterday. She had a tooth that fell out a few days ago and another that was loose - loose enough the dentist pulled it out with his fingers. She's facing some extensive dental work in the very near future. That chemo did a number on her teeth. So far I've resisted the urge to call her snaggle tooth - she feels bad enough as it is.

Did a few outside chores after getting home from the dentist. Cleaned the chicken coop, trimmed the grapevines, oiled the hinges and the locks on all the out buildings, and worked on tidying up the basement workshop. Now that it's dark at 5:00, time to spend some productive time down there in the evenings along with doing some darkroom work.

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