Thursday, May 12, 2022

Mag Drill


My new mag drill came yesterday. I've been thinking about buying a new drill press but when I saw the mag drill on sale, I figured that would do as good or better. My drill press has a Morse taper on the spindle so I can use large drill bits, however, the motor spins too fast for anything larger than about a 1/2" bit. What I need is the ability to drill holes up to about 1". I'll get some annular cutter bits for it and I should be ready to go - advertised capacity is up to 1-3/8", plus it came with a 1/2" drill chuck. Should be handy for drilling some of the holes I'm going to need in the frame rails of the jitney.

We set a record for the heat yesterday - it was about 94 degrees on the north side of the shack at 3:30 in the afternoon. The heat index was about 102. Since I'm still on the mend from the cooties, I stayed in the shack with the AC on most of the day. It's looking to be 90 again, so not much on the agenda today either. At least I'm feeling better. A few more days and I should be back to what passes for normal.

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