Monday, May 16, 2022

Trees & Shrubs


Feeling a little bit better. I mowed the "poop park" with the reel mower Saturday morning early and then rested for a couple hours. Mowed the front yard after that and then called it a day. Did some house cleaning out in the shop on Sunday. I came down with the covid rather suddenly and had left a big mess out there, so I spent about an hour tidying up, then walked around the yard checking on the flowers and trees. Lilacs are blooming and the blossoms on the Big Leaf Magnolia will be fully open in a couple of days. Lots of yard work needing to be done but it'll have to wait until I can get around to it. Fortunately, the temperature has dropped down out of the nineties, so I'll see about juggling jobs in the shop and outdoors and start getting caught up.

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