Monday, May 30, 2022

Memorial Day


Cuzzin Ricky and I did our annual "Dead Relatives Tour" on Saturday. Instead of the guys from the American Legion posts putting the flags on the markers, there were a bunch of Harley riders taking care of it. As we were heading to the cemetery where our dads are buried, I spotted a guy off to the side of the road carrying some flags and a parked motorcycle. I thought it strange until I remembered the little strip of property is actually the pauper's cemetery. I'm not sure what the group was that was taking care of that, but they were at both of the cemeteries that we visit. My thanks to all of you.

Rick and I talked a little politics along with our usual reminiscing while traveling and planting flowers. Lots of politics and news to discuss this year. I've got a fairly good idea what both of our dads would say about the current state of affairs - in fact they're probably spinning in their graves. I doubt they ever thought things could have gotten to this point. I pray those who lost their lives in the service of our country didn't make the supreme sacrifice for nothing. Unfortunately, it's looking that way.

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