Sunday, May 1, 2022

Finish One, Start Another


I cut some pieces yesterday for the next job in line. I'm planning on doing a little more today along with going walkies, weather depending. 

Made a big pot of soup yesterday - pretty tasty. I don't have a specific recipe because I don't get the same root veggies every time from the CSA. In fact, I've never attempted cooking with most of these. I need to do a bit of research on different cuisines that use a lot of root veggies. About the only thing I'm familiar with is pioneer cooking from the days before refrigeration and I don't know much about that. With the food shortages being forecast, it wouldn't hurt to know more about storing and cooking things that don't require refrigeration or canning.

I got a text from my buddy who's working on my Ducati motor for the trials bike. He's got the bottom end taken care of - heavy brass flywheel instead of the aluminum one for better low rpm performance. I'm not sure when he'll have it done but I'm in no hurry. I've got plenty to keep me busy for the next ten years or so. 

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