I'm not sure why but this one popped into my head the other day and has been resurfacing off and on. Click on it and you too will have a nice ear worm today.
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I picked up an "I Like Ike" pin while I was there. Mine's not an original but one for the tourist trade. They had original ones for sale but the price was pretty salty. Since I was planning on wearing it, I went for the reproduction one. In addition to Liking Ike, I also like persimmons. Since we've had a couple of frosts, it was time to pick them. I'm planning on making a couple of loaves of persimmon bread.
I picked the wife's colored-glass corn yesterday after picking the persimmons. It was just a small patch and I got it in a little late, but she just wanted it for decorations. There were some large ears as well as the nubbins. She's got plenty for her needs. After the corn, I picked the rest of the ripe salad tomatoes. I've been covering them up at night to protect them from the frost. There're still quite a few green ones on the plant. I'll keep covering the plant up as needed to try and get a few more yet this year.
That little pile is all that's left of the 22.5-ton pile of gravel I started with. Since I don't have a roller, I saved that pile to fill in any low spots that develop after I get some traffic on the drive. I could have used some more gravel if I wanted to do the job up proper, but it's a lot better now than it was. The main thing I wanted to accomplish was to bring the level of the gravel up even with the concrete pad, so the Missus won't turn an ankle getting in and out of the car. Mission accomplished there and then some. Did a few other chores around the shack yesterday as well. Busy and productive day.
oh no not another song stuck in my head again, till the next on takes its place.
Alright, alright, alright!
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