Friday, July 7, 2023

"Hillbilly Music"


Something a little different from what I usually post - actually all the music I post is a little different now that I think about it. My music taste pretty much runs the gamut of everything from this century and the last with a couple of exceptions. Not a fan of rap or the head banging stuff, but I do like some "hillbilly" music once in a while.

The cam shims I bought for the Sportster came yesterday. Unfortunately, they are the wrong ones. All the cams take the same shims except for one end of cam #2. That's what they sent but that's not what I need. The listing didn't mention cam #2 at all, so I figured they would be the ones that fit everything else. I sent a message to the eBay seller to see what we can do. I looked around on their store and I think they sell the ones I need. I'd be willing to eat the other ones but I don't want to end up with the wrong ones again. I imagine they'll be contacting me today. In the meantime, plenty to be done around here.

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