Monday, July 24, 2023

The Sound of Freedom

The Missus and I went on a rare date yesterday. We went to a matinee showing of the movie The Sound of Freedom, and then a late lunch afterwards. Nice to spend some time with the old girl besides the recliners in front of the TV - we had enough of that during the covid monkey business. 

For those of you unfamiliar with the movie, it's about child trafficking. It's based on the true story of Tim Ballard, formerly of Homeland Security. There's quite a bit of controversy surrounding the movie, which supposedly delayed the opening for five years. I thought it was a good film. The production values are good and it didn't over sensationalize the subject. I read a few of the objections to the movie and even if there is some grain of truth to them, the subject needs to addressed. I don't know much about QAnon, nor do I particularly care, but with what I've read over the last few years about pizza gate and Epstein's Island, I'm not so sure I'd listen to anyone bitchin' about the movie. In fact, I'd question their motives. 

I recommend you see the movie and make up your own mind. Or don't. Just keep your children close.

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