Thursday, April 28, 2022

Egg Knob


Looks like Big Halsey has started contributing to the cause. That would be the big-un on top. In the middle is one from the old Rhode Island Red and the bottom one is from one of the Wyandottes. I was waiting to see a blue, pink or green egg, but a whopper of a white one is pretty good. Hopefully Little Faus will be getting with the program soon as well.

Put in 3 miles of walking yesterday morning and started on a new project. Not a big job but the material for a big job came in yesterday. That one's going to take a while - lots of individual pieces, some hole drilling and tapping. I'm going to try and get the new job finished today but I want to get a couple more miles in, pick up my veggies while I'm out, and I've got a couple other things on my plate.

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